IBX5980432E7F390 19 Best Benefits of Durian Fruits - Cancertec | Health For Good Life

19 Best Benefits of Durian Fruits

19 Benefits and Benefits of Durian Fruits - One of the fruits favored by many people is durian fruit, and maybe you are one of them, right is not it? In addition to its distinctive aroma and the taste is very delicious, it turns out durian fruit including fruits that have various benefits for the health of the body. Not only the flesh but also on the skin and leaves. However, certainly, not many people who know. There is even a misperception that durian fruit is a fruit that can cause disease. Opinion is not completely wrong because durian fruit can increase blood pressure. In addition, cholesterol levels in durian are also quite high. But, durian benefits are much more.

Gynecology and Chemical Compounds

Inside the flesh of durian contained many nutrients, including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, carotene, vitamins B and C, thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine, and riboflavin. Durian also contains enough sugar and its heat. Therefore, diabetics and pregnant women should not consume durian.

The phosphorus and iron contained in the durian fruit are 10 times more than the banana. Nutritional content per 100 grams of durian fruit, including 67 grams of water, 2.5 grams of fat, 28.3 grams of carbohydrates, 1.4 grams of fiber, 2.5 grams of protein, and 520 kJ of energy.

Benefits Of Durian Fruit

Durian has many benefits and benefits, there at least 19 benefits durian that we summarize the following:
  1. Overcoming anemia because durian is rich in folic acid
  2. Overcoming constipation because durian contains fiber. In addition, durian skin that is crushed and applied to the stomach can facilitate bowel movements.
  3. Inhibits premature aging because it contains vitamin C as an antioxidant.
  4. Help raise blood pressure in people with low blood because it contains iron and its heat.
  5. Overcoming swelling.
  6. Treat ringworm on the skin.
  7. Good for bone and joint health because it contains calcium, potassium, and various B vitamins.
  8. The content of manganese can maintain the stability of blood sugar levels.
  9. The durian skin burned and then used as ash, the water can launch menstruation, but also abortion.
  10. The fruit can be used as a yellow disease.
  11. Increased appetite because it contains niacin and thiamine.
  12. Riboflavin can help overcome a migraine.
  13. Maintain thyroid health due to its copper content.
  14. Can reduce stress and depression because it contains pyridoxine
  15. Good for dental health because it contains phosphorus
  16. Durian fruit skin can be used as mosquito repellent
  17. Root and durian leaf sediment water can be as antipyretic
  18. As an aphrodisiac
  19. The root is efficacious treating infections in the nails.


Mosquitoes do not like the sources of stinging smells, such as the smell of rosemary flowers, lavender flowers, orange peel, and durian skin. Dalah durian fruit contains the content of essential oil and alcohol that makes mosquitoes do not like the smell. Here's how to make a mosquito repellent from durian:
  • The fruit is chopped up into small pieces. Then, 100 grams of skin and 50 gr of durian fruit, in a blender.
  • Add solvent with 70% alcohol as much as 25 ml and 100 ml water.
  • The obtained solution is then squeezed using a sieve cloth.
  • The former electric mosquito coil is dipped into the solution for 5 minutes, then it is removed and dried for 1-3 hours, or until it looks dry, so the insect repellent can be used.

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