IBX5980432E7F390 Symptoms of Brain Cancer and Causes of Brain Tumors - Cancertec | Health For Good Life

Symptoms of Brain Cancer and Causes of Brain Tumors

Symptoms of Brain Cancer and Causes of Brain Tumors - A brain tumor is the growth of abnormal cells in the brain. Many different tumor variations. Some brain tumors are not cancer (benign) and some other brain tumors are cancerous (malignant). Brain tumors may originate in the brain (primary brain tumor) or cancer originating from other body parts and propagate to the brain (secondary/metastatic brain tumors).

Symptoms of Brain Cancer or Brain Tumors
Common signs and symptoms of a brain tumor or brain cancer can be:
  • Headaches or headache changes
  • Headaches gradually become more frequent and more severe
  • Nausea or vomiting without cause
  • Vision problems, such as blurred vision, and more
  • Gradually lost the sensation or movement of the hands or feet
  • Difficult to maintain balance
  • Difficult to speak
  • Confusion over everyday problems
  • Change of personality or habit
  • Seizures, especially in someone who has never experienced seizures
  • Hearing problems

What are the causes of brain cancer?

Elements from the inside

That is the element that comes from within oneself or from the element of descent. If there is one of your relatives who have a history of brain cancer patients, then chances are you also can develop brain cancer. Then the cause of brain cancer is also caused by a head collision that had experienced the patient, so this collision caused a feeling of severe stress on brain tissue and the cause of the growth of abnormal tissue in the brain which later developed into brain cancer.

Elements from the outside

External ingredients can result from the effects of certain drugs that are often drunk continuously, smoking, fatty foods, carcinogenic ingredients such as repeatedly used cooking oil, inedible chemicals and exposure to radiation in certain waves can trigger the development of cells cancer.

Primary brain tumor

Primary brain tumors may originate in the brain itself or tissues that close the brain, such as the meninges membrane, the skull nerve, the pituitary gland or the pineal gland. The primary brain tumor begins when the normal cell undergoes a mutation in its DNA. This mutation causes the cells to grow uncontrollably and consistently live when the other cells die.

There are several types of primary brain tumors. Each is named based on a fabricated cell. Among others:
  • Acoustic neuroma (schwannoma)
  • Astrocytoma, also known as glioma, consists of anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma
  • Ependymoma
  • Ependymoblastoma
  • Germ cell tumor
  • Medulloblastoma
  • Meningioma
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Oligodendroglioma
  • Pineoblastoma

Secondary/metastatic brain tumor

Secondary / metastatic brain tumors are tumors produced from cancers that originate from other parts of the body and then propagate to the brain. Secondary brain tumors are most common in people who have a record with cancer. But it can also occur although rarely, metastatic brain tumors are an early sign of cancer that starts from other body parts.
Any cancer can spread to the brain, but the most common types include:
  • Breast cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Melanoma

Risk element

Risk factors for brain tumors include:
  • Race. Brain tumors occur most often in white people, except for meningiomas.
  • Age. The risk of brain tumors increases with age.
  • Exposed to radiation. For example radiation for cancer treatment.
  • Exposed to chemicals while working.
  • Note family with a brain tumor.

Methods to Prevent Brain Cancer

Based on expert analysis, this dangerous disease can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle method. Here are the steps to prevent brain cancer.
  • Do not let your head knock or traumatized. Avoid high-risk activities such as boxing. Always use a helmet when riding a motorcycle.
  • Expand eating fruits that contain antioxidants such as dates, oranges, raisins, strawberries, plums and red wine. Antioxidant substances will launch blood circulation to and from the brain to prevent narrowing or blockage of blood vessels.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Expand eating fiber foods, stay away from fatty foods.
  • Avoid cardiogenic materials, such as cooking oil used repeatedly.
  • Stay away from objects with high levels of radiation because exposure to radiation in certain levels can trigger the development of abnormal cells. If calling using a mobile phone, use the handsfree to have a distance between the phone with the head (brain) so as to reduce the levels of heat and radiation.
  • Healthy lifestyle. Enough sleep. Routine exercise for blood circulation to the brain.
  • Avoid thoughts that can cause stress.

Avoid the use of chemicals

Chemicals and exposure to chemical radiation have great potential for brain damage, so you are advised to avoid chemical-related procedures. Chemicals that are familiar with your everyday life are vinyl chloride used in plastics, formaldehyde used as preservatives, and acrylonitrile used in the textile industry. Radiation from a nuclear reactor can also cause brain cancer. People whose jobs require to interact with chemicals and nuclear should routinely test the brain cancer to the doctor.

Eat anti-cancer foods

Garlic and foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids help in the prevention of brain cancer. Garlic contains anti-cancer substances that can help control cancer's tendency in your body's cells.

Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

One of the main causes of all types of cancer is unhealthy habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Cancer can spread to every part of the body, such as lung cancer can also spread to the brain and cause brain cancer. So, avoid smoking and drinking habits to stop the growth of brain cancer in your body.

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